Wingdings 3 font should not be used in Web pages or in e-mails that will be viewed in a Web browser. Specifying Wingdings 3 font is contrary to the published HTML specifications, has never been a documented feature of HTML and is not reliable.
This page is not a demonstration of how to use Wingdings 3 font; it provides a warning of the problems that it causes, and shows how to use Unicode instead.
Wingdings 3 is not available on all computers, and so the intended characters may not appear on computers running non-Microsoft operating systems such as Mac OS 9, Mac OS X 10, Linux or Chrome OS. The same problems are found with the Webdings, Wingdings and Wingdings 2 fonts – they should not be used in Web pages.
If you want to view a Web page that uses Wingdings 3 characters, then you need to use the Internet Explorer browser; other browsers may show none or only some of the Wingdings 3 characters.
This page lists (and attempts to display) all of the 208 characters in the Wingdings 3 font. It also lists (and attempts to display) the equivalent Unicode characters.
The characters that appear in the Wingdings 3 Character column of the following table are generated by the non-standard technique of specifying the Wingdings 3 font, using both <font face="Wingdings 3"> and style="font-family: 'Wingdings 3';". It is possible that your combination of browser and operating system will show Wingdings 3 characters, but browsers that conform to the published standards will demonstrate why Wingdings 3 font should not be used in Web pages.
The characters that appear in the Unicode Character column of the following table are generated from Unicode numeric character references, and so they should appear correctly in any Web browser that supports Unicode and that has suitable fonts available, regardless of the operating system.
Wingdings 3 | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Dec | Hex | PS Name | Character | Dec | Hex | Name | Range |
‘ ’ | 32 | 0x20 | space | ‘ ’ | 32 | U+0020 | Space | Basic Latin |
! | 33 | 0x21 | a2left | ⭠ | 11104 | U+2B60 | Leftwards triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
" | 34 | 0x22 | a2right | ⭢ | 11106 | U+2B62 | Rightwards triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
# | 35 | 0x23 | a2up | ⭡ | 11105 | U+2B61 | Upwards triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
$ | 36 | 0x24 | a2down | ⭣ | 11107 | U+2B63 | Downwards triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
% | 37 | 0x25 | a2nw | ⭦ | 11110 | U+2B66 | North west triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
& | 38 | 0x26 | a2ne | ⭧ | 11111 | U+2B67 | North east triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
' | 39 | 0x27 | a2sw | ⭩ | 11113 | U+2B69 | South west triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
( | 40 | 0x28 | a2se | ⭨ | 11112 | U+2B68 | South east triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
) | 41 | 0x29 | a2tableft | ⭰ | 11120 | U+2B70 | Leftwards triangle-headed arrow to bar | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
* | 42 | 0x2A | a2tabright | ⭲ | 11122 | U+2B72 | Rightwards triangle-headed arrow to bar | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
+ | 43 | 0x2B | a2tabup | ⭱ | 11121 | U+2B71 | Upwards triangle-headed arrow to bar | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
, | 44 | 0x2C | a2tabdown | ⭳ | 11123 | U+2B73 | Downwards triangle-headed arrow to bar | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
- | 45 | 0x2D | a2home | ⭶ | 11126 | U+2B76 | North west triangle-headed arrow to bar | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
. | 46 | 0x2E | a2end | ⭸ | 11128 | U+2B78 | South east triangle-headed arrow to bar | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
/ | 47 | 0x2F | a2pageup | ⭻ | 11131 | U+2B7B | Upwards triangle-headed arrow with double horizontal stroke | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
0 | 48 | 0x30 | a2pagedown | ⭽ | 11133 | U+2B7D | Downwards triangle-headed arrow with double horizontal stroke | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
1 | 49 | 0x31 | a2leftright | ⭤ | 11108 | U+2B64 | Left right triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
2 | 50 | 0x32 | a2updown | ⭥ | 11109 | U+2B65 | Up down triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
3 | 51 | 0x33 | a2leftdash | ⭪ | 11114 | U+2B6A | Leftwards triangle-headed dashed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
4 | 52 | 0x34 | a2rightdash | ⭬ | 11116 | U+2B6C | Rightwards triangle-headed dashed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
5 | 53 | 0x35 | a2updash | ⭫ | 11115 | U+2B6B | Upwards triangle-headed dashed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
6 | 54 | 0x36 | a2downdash | ⭭ | 11117 | U+2B6D | Downwards triangle-headed dashed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
7 | 55 | 0x37 | a2zigzag | ⭍ | 11085 | U+2B4D | Downwards triangle-headed zigzag arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
8 | 56 | 0x38 | a2cornerdwnleft | ⮠ | 11168 | U+2BA0 | Downwards triangle-headed arrow with long tip leftwards | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
9 | 57 | 0x39 | a2cornerdwnrt | ⮡ | 11169 | U+2BA1 | Downwards triangle-headed arrow with long tip rightwards | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
: | 58 | 0x3A | a2cornerupleft | ⮢ | 11170 | U+2BA2 | Upwards triangle-headed arrow with long tip leftwards | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
; | 59 | 0x3B | a2corneruprt | ⮣ | 11171 | U+2BA3 | Upwards triangle-headed arrow with long tip rightwards | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
< | 60 | 0x3C | a2cornerleftup | ⮤ | 11172 | U+2BA4 | Leftwards triangle-headed arrow with long tip upwards | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
= | 61 | 0x3D | a2cornerrightup | ⮥ | 11173 | U+2BA5 | Rightwards triangle-headed arrow with long tip upwards | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
> | 62 | 0x3E | a2cornerleftdwn | ⮦ | 11174 | U+2BA6 | Leftwards triangle-headed arrow with long tip downwards | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
? | 63 | 0x3F | a2cornerrtdwn | ⮧ | 11175 | U+2BA7 | Rightwards triangle-headed arrow with long tip downwards | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
@ | 64 | 0x40 | returnleft | ⮐ | 11152 | U+2B90 | Return left | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
A | 65 | 0x41 | returnright | ⮑ | 11153 | U+2B91 | Return right | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
B | 66 | 0x42 | newlineleft | ⮒ | 11154 | U+2B92 | New line left | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
C | 67 | 0x43 | newlineright | ⮓ | 11155 | U+2B93 | New line right | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
D | 68 | 0x44 | a2opleftrt | ⮀ | 11136 | U+2B80 | Leftwards triangle-headed arrow over rightwards triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
E | 69 | 0x45 | a2opdwnup | ⮃ | 11139 | U+2B83 | Downwards triangle-headed arrow leftwards of upwards triangle-headed arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
F | 70 | 0x46 | a2optableftrt | ⭾ | 11134 | U+2B7E | Horizontal tab key | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
G | 71 | 0x47 | a2optabdwnup | ⭿ | 11135 | U+2B7F | Vertical tab key | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
H | 72 | 0x48 | a2parllleft | ⮄ | 11140 | U+2B84 | Leftwards triangle-headed paired arrows | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
I | 73 | 0x49 | a2parllright | ⮆ | 11142 | U+2B86 | Rightwards triangle-headed paired arrows | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
J | 74 | 0x4A | a2parllup | ⮅ | 11141 | U+2B85 | Upwards triangle-headed paired arrows | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
K | 75 | 0x4B | a2parlldown | ⮇ | 11143 | U+2B87 | Downwards triangle-headed paired arrows | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
L | 76 | 0x4C | a2uleftdown | ⮏ | 11151 | U+2B8F | Anticlockwise triangle-headed top u-shaped arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
M | 77 | 0x4D | a2urightup | ⮍ | 11149 | U+2B8D | Anticlockwise triangle-headed bottom u-shaped arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
N | 78 | 0x4E | a2ubelowright | ⮎ | 11150 | U+2B8E | Anticlockwise triangle-headed left u-shaped arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
O | 79 | 0x4F | a2uaboveleft | ⮌ | 11148 | U+2B8C | Anticlockwise triangle-headed right u-shaped arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
P | 80 | 0x50 | a2clockwise | ⭮ | 11118 | U+2B6E | Clockwise triangle-headed open circle arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Q | 81 | 0x51 | a2cntrclockwise | ⭯ | 11119 | U+2B6F | Anticlockwise triangle-headed open circle arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
R | 82 | 0x52 | escape1 | ⎋ | 9099 | U+238B | Broken circle with northwest arrow | Miscellaneous Technical |
S | 83 | 0x53 | enter | ⌤ | 8996 | U+2324 | Up arrowhead between two horizontal bars | Miscellaneous Technical |
T | 84 | 0x54 | control | ⌃ | 8963 | U+2303 | Up arrowhead | Miscellaneous Technical |
U | 85 | 0x55 | option | ⌥ | 8997 | U+2325 | Option key | Miscellaneous Technical |
V | 86 | 0x56 | spacemark | ⎵ | 9141 | U+23B5 | Bottom square bracket | Miscellaneous Technical |
W | 87 | 0x57 | nobreakspacemark | ⍽ | 9085 | U+237D | Shouldered open box | Miscellaneous Technical |
X | 88 | 0x58 | shiftlock | ⇪ | 8682 | U+21EA | Upwards white arrow from bar | Arrows |
Y | 89 | 0x59 | capslock | ⮸ | 11192 | U+2BB8 | Upwards white arrow from bar with horizontal bar | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Z | 90 | 0x5A | oleftshadow | 🢠 | 129184 | U+1F8A0 | Leftwards bottom-shaded white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
[ | 91 | 0x5B | orightshadow | 🢡 | 129185 | U+1F8A1 | Rightwards bottom-shaded white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
\ | 92 | 0x5C | oleftshadup | 🢢 | 129186 | U+1F8A2 | Leftwards top shaded white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
] | 93 | 0x5D | orightshadup | 🢣 | 129187 | U+1F8A3 | Rightwards top shaded white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
^ | 94 | 0x5E | oleftshadlft | 🢤 | 129188 | U+1F8A4 | Leftwards left-shaded white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
_ | 95 | 0x5F | orightshadrt | 🢥 | 129189 | U+1F8A5 | Rightwards right-shaded white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
` | 96 | 0x60 | oleftshadrt | 🢦 | 129190 | U+1F8A6 | Leftwards right-shaded white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
a | 97 | 0x61 | orightshadlft | 🢧 | 129191 | U+1F8A7 | Rightwards left-shaded white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
b | 98 | 0x62 | oleftoblqshad | 🢨 | 129192 | U+1F8A8 | Leftwards back-tilted shadowed white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
c | 99 | 0x63 | orightoblqshad | 🢩 | 129193 | U+1F8A9 | Rightwards back-tilted shadowed white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
d | 100 | 0x64 | oleftoblqshadup | 🢪 | 129194 | U+1F8AA | Leftwards front-tilted shadowed white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
e | 101 | 0x65 | orightoblqshadup | 🢫 | 129195 | U+1F8AB | Rightwards front-tilted shadowed white arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
f | 102 | 0x66 | b2left | ← | 8592 | U+2190 | Leftwards arrow | Arrows |
g | 103 | 0x67 | b2right | → | 8594 | U+2192 | Rightwards arrow | Arrows |
h | 104 | 0x68 | b2up | ↑ | 8593 | U+2191 | Upwards arrow | Arrows |
i | 105 | 0x69 | b2down | ↓ | 8595 | U+2193 | Downwards arrow | Arrows |
j | 106 | 0x6A | b2nw | ↖ | 8598 | U+2196 | North west arrow | Arrows |
k | 107 | 0x6B | b2ne | ↗ | 8599 | U+2197 | North east arrow | Arrows |
l | 108 | 0x6C | b2sw | ↙ | 8601 | U+2199 | South west arrow | Arrows |
m | 109 | 0x6D | b2se | ↘ | 8600 | U+2198 | South east arrow | Arrows |
n | 110 | 0x6E | b2leftright | 🡘 | 129112 | U+1F858 | Left right sans-serif arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
o | 111 | 0x6F | b2updown | 🡙 | 129113 | U+1F859 | Up down sans-serif arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
p | 112 | 0x70 | triangleup | ▲ | 9650 | U+25B2 | Black up-pointing triangle | Geometric Shapes |
q | 113 | 0x71 | triangledwn | ▼ | 9660 | U+25BC | Black down-pointing triangle | Geometric Shapes |
r | 114 | 0x72 | triangleopenup | △ | 9651 | U+25B3 | White up-pointing triangle | Geometric Shapes |
s | 115 | 0x73 | triangleopendwn | ▽ | 9661 | U+25BD | White down-pointing triangle | Geometric Shapes |
t | 116 | 0x74 | triangleleft | ◄ | 9668 | U+25C4 | Black left-pointing pointer | Geometric Shapes |
u | 117 | 0x75 | trianglert | ► | 9658 | U+25BA | Black right-pointing pointer | Geometric Shapes |
v | 118 | 0x76 | triangleopenleft | ◁ | 9665 | U+25C1 | White left-pointing triangle | Geometric Shapes |
w | 119 | 0x77 | triangleopenrt | ▷ | 9655 | U+25B7 | White right-pointing triangle | Geometric Shapes |
x | 120 | 0x78 | triang45baseleft | ◣ | 9699 | U+25E3 | Black lower left triangle | Geometric Shapes |
y | 121 | 0x79 | triangle45basert | ◢ | 9698 | U+25E2 | Black lower right triangle | Geometric Shapes |
z | 122 | 0x7A | triangle45toppleft | ◤ | 9700 | U+25E4 | Black upper left triangle | Geometric Shapes |
{ | 123 | 0x7B | triangle45toprt | ◥ | 9701 | U+25E5 | Black upper right triangle | Geometric Shapes |
| | 124 | 0x7C | triangle45left | 🞀 | 128896 | U+1F780 | Black left-pointing isosceles right triangle | Geometric Shapes Extended |
} | 125 | 0x7D | triangle45right | 🞂 | 128898 | U+1F782 | Black right-pointing isosceles right triangle | Geometric Shapes Extended |
~ | 126 | 0x7E | triangle45up | 🞁 | 128897 | U+1F781 | Black up-pointing isosceles right triangle | Geometric Shapes Extended |
| 128 | 0x80 | triangle45down | 🞃 | 128899 | U+1F783 | Black down-pointing isosceles right triangle | Geometric Shapes Extended |
| 129 | 0x81 | trianglecentup | ▲ | 9650 | U+25B2 | Black up-pointing triangle | Geometric Shapes |
| 130 | 0x82 | trianglecentdwn | ▼ | 9660 | U+25BC | Black down-pointing small triangle | Geometric Shapes |
| 131 | 0x83 | trianglecentleft | ◀ | 9664 | U+25C0 | Black left-pointing triangle | Geometric Shapes |
| 132 | 0x84 | trianglecentrt | ▶ | 9654 | U+25B6 | Black right-pointing triangle | Geometric Shapes |
133 | 0x85 | headleft | ⮜ | 11164 | U+2B9C | Black leftwards equilateral arrowhead | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows | |
| 134 | 0x86 | headright | ⮞ | 11166 | U+2B9E | Black rightwards equilateral arrowhead | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
| 135 | 0x87 | headup | ⮝ | 11165 | U+2B9D | Black upwards equilateral arrowhead | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
| 136 | 0x88 | headdown | ⮟ | 11167 | U+2B9F | Black downwards equilateral arrowhead | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
| 137 | 0x89 | c1left | 🠐 | 129040 | U+1F810 | Leftwards arrow with small equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 138 | 0x8A | c1right | 🠒 | 129042 | U+1F812 | Rightwards arrow with small equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 139 | 0x8B | c1up | 🠑 | 129041 | U+1F811 | Upwards arrow with small equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 140 | 0x8C | c1down | 🠓 | 129043 | U+1F813 | Downwards arrow with small equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 141 | 0x8D | c2left | 🠔 | 129044 | U+1F814 | Leftwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 142 | 0x8E | c2right | 🠖 | 129046 | U+1F816 | Rightwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 143 | 0x8F | c2up | 🠕 | 129045 | U+1F815 | Upwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 144 | 0x90 | c2down | 🠗 | 129047 | U+1F817 | Downwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 145 | 0x91 | c3left | 🠘 | 129048 | U+1F818 | Heavy leftwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 146 | 0x92 | c3right | 🠚 | 129050 | U+1F81A | Heavy rightwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 147 | 0x93 | c3up | 🠙 | 129049 | U+1F819 | Heavy upwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 148 | 0x94 | c3down | 🠛 | 129051 | U+1F81B | Heavy downwards arrow with equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 149 | 0x95 | c4left | 🠜 | 129052 | U+1F81C | Heavy leftwards arrow with large equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 150 | 0x96 | c4right | 🠞 | 129054 | U+1F81E | Heavy rightwards arrow with large equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 151 | 0x97 | c4up | 🠝 | 129053 | U+1F81D | Heavy upwards arrow with large equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 152 | 0x98 | c4down | 🠟 | 129055 | U+1F81F | Heavy downwards arrow with large equilateral arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 153 | 0x99 | a1left | 🠀 | 129024 | U+1F800 | Leftwards arrow with small triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 154 | 0x9A | a1right | 🠂 | 129026 | U+1F802 | Rightwards arrow with small triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 155 | 0x9B | a1up | 🠁 | 129025 | U+1F801 | Upwards arrow with small triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 156 | 0x9C | a1down | 🠃 | 129027 | U+1F803 | Downwards arrow with small triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 157 | 0x9D | a3left | 🠄 | 129028 | U+1F804 | Leftwards arrow with medium triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 158 | 0x9E | a3right | 🠆 | 129030 | U+1F806 | Rightwards arrow with medium triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 159 | 0x9F | a3up | 🠅 | 129029 | U+1F805 | Upwards arrow with medium triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
160 | 0xA0 | a3down | 🠇 | 129031 | U+1F807 | Downwards arrow with medium triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C | |
¡ | 161 | 0xA1 | a4left | 🠈 | 129032 | U+1F808 | Leftwards arrow with large triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¢ | 162 | 0xA2 | a4right | 🠊 | 129034 | U+1F80A | Rightwards arrow with large triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
£ | 163 | 0xA3 | a4up | 🠉 | 129033 | U+1F809 | Upwards arrow with large triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¤ | 164 | 0xA4 | a4down | 🠋 | 129035 | U+1F80B | Downwards arrow with large triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¥ | 165 | 0xA5 | d1left | 🠠 | 129056 | U+1F820 | Leftwards triangle-headed arrow with narrow shaft | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¦ | 166 | 0xA6 | d1right | 🠢 | 129058 | U+1F822 | Rightwards triangle-headed arrow with narrow shaft | Supplemental Arrows-C |
§ | 167 | 0xA7 | e3left | 🠤 | 129060 | U+1F824 | Leftwards triangle-headed arrow with medium shaft | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¨ | 168 | 0xA8 | e3right | 🠦 | 129062 | U+1F826 | Rightwards triangle-headed arrow with medium shaft | Supplemental Arrows-C |
© | 169 | 0xA9 | f4left | 🠨 | 129064 | U+1F828 | Leftwards triangle-headed arrow with bold shaft | Supplemental Arrows-C |
ª | 170 | 0xAA | f4right | 🠪 | 129066 | U+1F82A | Rightwards triangle-headed arrow with bold shaft | Supplemental Arrows-C |
« | 171 | 0xAB | g5left | 🠬 | 129068 | U+1F82C | Leftwards triangle-headed arrow with heavy shaft | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¬ | 172 | 0xAC | g51 | 🢜 | 129180 | U+1F89C | Heavy arrow shaft width one | Supplemental Arrows-C |
| 173 | 0xAD | g5dash2 | 🢝 | 129181 | U+1F89D | Heavy arrow shaft width two thirds | Supplemental Arrows-C |
® | 174 | 0xAE | g5dash3 | 🢞 | 129182 | U+1F89E | Heavy arrow shaft width one half | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¯ | 175 | 0xAF | g5dash4 | 🢟 | 129183 | U+1F89F | Heavy arrow shaft width one third | Supplemental Arrows-C |
° | 176 | 0xB0 | g5right | 🠮 | 129070 | U+1F82E | Rightwards triangle-headed arrow with heavy shaft | Supplemental Arrows-C |
± | 177 | 0xB1 | h6left | 🠰 | 129072 | U+1F830 | Leftwards triangle-headed arrow with very heavy shaft | Supplemental Arrows-C |
² | 178 | 0xB2 | h6right | 🠲 | 129074 | U+1F832 | Rightwards triangle-headed arrow with very heavy shaft | Supplemental Arrows-C |
³ | 179 | 0xB3 | i8left | 🠴 | 129076 | U+1F834 | Leftwards finger-post arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
´ | 180 | 0xB4 | i8right | 🠶 | 129078 | U+1F836 | Rightwards finger-post arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
µ | 181 | 0xB5 | j6left | 🠸 | 129080 | U+1F838 | Leftwards squared arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¶ | 182 | 0xB6 | j6right | 🠺 | 129082 | U+1F83A | Rightwards squared arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
· | 183 | 0xB7 | j6up | 🠹 | 129081 | U+1F839 | Upwards squared arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¸ | 184 | 0xB8 | j6down | 🠻 | 129083 | U+1F83B | Downwards squared arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¹ | 185 | 0xB9 | k6left | 🢘 | 129176 | U+1F898 | Leftwards arrow with notched tail | Supplemental Arrows-C |
º | 186 | 0xBA | k6right | 🢚 | 129178 | U+1F89A | Rightwards arrow with notched tail | Supplemental Arrows-C |
» | 187 | 0xBB | k6up | 🢙 | 129177 | U+1F899 | Upwards arrow with notched tail | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¼ | 188 | 0xBC | k6down | 🢛 | 129179 | U+1F89B | Downwards arrow with notched tail | Supplemental Arrows-C |
½ | 189 | 0xBD | l7left | 🠼 | 129084 | U+1F83C | Leftwards compressed arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¾ | 190 | 0xBE | l7right | 🠾 | 129086 | U+1F83E | Rightwards compressed arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
¿ | 191 | 0xBF | l7up | 🠽 | 129085 | U+1F83D | Upwards compressed arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
À | 192 | 0xC0 | l7down | 🠿 | 129087 | U+1F83F | Downwards compressed arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Á | 193 | 0xC1 | m9left | 🡀 | 129088 | U+1F840 | Leftwards heavy compressed arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
 | 194 | 0xC2 | m9right | 🡂 | 129090 | U+1F842 | Rightwards heavy compressed arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
à | 195 | 0xC3 | m9up | 🡁 | 129089 | U+1F841 | Upwards heavy compressed arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ä | 196 | 0xC4 | m9down | 🡃 | 129091 | U+1F843 | Downwards heavy compressed arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Å | 197 | 0xC5 | n7left | 🡄 | 129092 | U+1F844 | Leftwards heavy arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Æ | 198 | 0xC6 | n7right | 🡆 | 129094 | U+1F846 | Rightwards heavy arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ç | 199 | 0xC7 | n7up | 🡅 | 129093 | U+1F845 | Upwards heavy arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
È | 200 | 0xC8 | n7down | 🡇 | 129095 | U+1F847 | Downwards heavy arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
É | 201 | 0xC9 | arrowdwnleft | ⮨ | 11176 | U+2BA8 | Black curved downwards and leftwards arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Ê | 202 | 0xCA | arrowdwnrt | ⮩ | 11177 | U+2BA9 | Black curved downwards and rightwards arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Ë | 203 | 0xCB | arrowupleft | ⮪ | 11178 | U+2BAA | Black curved upwards and leftwards arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Ì | 204 | 0xCC | arrowuprt | ⮫ | 11179 | U+2BAB | Black curved upwards and rightwards arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Í | 205 | 0xCD | arrowleftup | ⮬ | 11180 | U+2BAC | Black curved leftwards and upwards arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Î | 206 | 0xCE | arrowrtup | ⮭ | 11181 | U+2BAD | Black curved rightwards and upwards arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Ï | 207 | 0xCF | arrowleftdwn | ⮮ | 11182 | U+2BAE | Black curved leftwards and downwards arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Ð | 208 | 0xD0 | arrowrtdwn | ⮯ | 11183 | U+2BAF | Black curved rightwards and downwards arrow | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Ñ | 209 | 0xD1 | barb1left | 🡠 | 129120 | U+1F860 | Wide-headed leftwards light barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ò | 210 | 0xD2 | barb1right | 🡢 | 129122 | U+1F862 | Wide-headed rightwards light barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ó | 211 | 0xD3 | barb1up | 🡡 | 129121 | U+1F861 | Wide-headed upwards light barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ô | 212 | 0xD4 | barb1down | 🡣 | 129123 | U+1F863 | Wide-headed downwards light barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Õ | 213 | 0xD5 | barb1nw | 🡤 | 129124 | U+1F864 | Wide-headed north west light barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ö | 214 | 0xD6 | barb1ne | 🡥 | 129125 | U+1F865 | Wide-headed north east light barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
× | 215 | 0xD7 | barb1sw | 🡧 | 129127 | U+1F867 | Wide-headed south west light barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ø | 216 | 0xD8 | barb1se | 🡦 | 129126 | U+1F866 | Wide-headed south east light barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ù | 217 | 0xD9 | barb3left | 🡰 | 129136 | U+1F870 | Wide-headed leftwards medium barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ú | 218 | 0xDA | barb3right | 🡲 | 129138 | U+1F872 | Wide-headed rightwards medium barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Û | 219 | 0xDB | barb3up | 🡱 | 129137 | U+1F871 | Wide-headed upwards medium barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ü | 220 | 0xDC | barb3down | 🡳 | 129139 | U+1F873 | Wide-headed downwards medium barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Ý | 221 | 0xDD | barb3nw | 🡴 | 129140 | U+1F874 | Wide-headed north west medium barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Þ | 222 | 0xDE | barb3ne | 🡵 | 129141 | U+1F875 | Wide-headed north east medium barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
ß | 223 | 0xDF | barb3sw | 🡷 | 129143 | U+1F877 | Wide-headed south west medium barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
à | 224 | 0xE0 | barb3se | 🡶 | 129142 | U+1F876 | Wide-headed south east medium barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
á | 225 | 0xE1 | barb5left | 🢀 | 129152 | U+1F880 | Wide-headed leftwards very heavy barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
â | 226 | 0xE2 | barb5right | 🢂 | 129152 | U+1F882 | Wide-headed rightwards very heavy barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
ã | 227 | 0xE3 | barb5up | 🢁 | 129153 | U+1F881 | Wide-headed upwards very heavy barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
ä | 228 | 0xE4 | barb5down | 🢃 | 129155 | U+1F883 | Wide-headed downwards very heavy barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
å | 229 | 0xE5 | barb5nw | 🢄 | 129156 | U+1F884 | Wide-headed north west very heavy barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
æ | 230 | 0xE6 | barb5ne | 🢅 | 129157 | U+1F885 | Wide-headed north east very heavy barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
ç | 231 | 0xE7 | barb5sw | 🢇 | 129159 | U+1F887 | Wide-headed south west very heavy barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
è | 232 | 0xE8 | barb5se | 🢆 | 129158 | U+1F886 | Wide-headed south east very heavy barb arrow | Supplemental Arrows-C |
é | 233 | 0xE9 | drawleft | 🢐 | 129168 | U+1F890 | Leftwards triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
ê | 234 | 0xEA | drawright | 🢒 | 129170 | U+1F892 | Rightwards triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
ë | 235 | 0xEB | drawup | 🢑 | 129169 | U+1F891 | Upwards triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
ì | 236 | 0xEC | drawdown | 🢓 | 129171 | U+1F893 | Downwards triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
í | 237 | 0xED | drawdblleft | 🢔 | 129172 | U+1F894 | Leftwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
î | 238 | 0xEE | drawdblright | 🢖 | 129174 | U+1F896 | Rightwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
ï | 239 | 0xEF | drawdblup | 🢕 | 129173 | U+1F895 | Upwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
ð | 240 | 0xF0 | drawdbldown | 🢗 | 129175 | U+1F897 | Downwards white arrow within triangle arrowhead | Supplemental Arrows-C |
Copyright © 2009–2017 Alan Wood
Created 16th June 2009 Last modified 17th August 2017
Send comments or questions to Alan Wood
Alan Wood’s Web site |