Wingdings 2 font should not be used in Web pages or in e-mails that will be viewed in a Web browser. Specifying Wingdings 2 font is contrary to the published HTML specifications, has never been a documented feature of HTML and is not reliable.
This page is not a demonstration of how to use Wingdings 2 font; it provides a warning of the problems that it causes, and shows how to use Unicode instead.
Wingdings 2 is not available on all computers, and so the intended characters may not appear on computers running non-Microsoft operating systems such as Mac OS 9, Mac OS X 10, Linux or Chrome OS. The same problems are found with the Webdings, Wingdings and Wingdings 3 fonts – they should not be used in Web pages.
If you want to view a Web page that uses Wingdings 2 characters, then you need to use the Internet Explorer browser; other browsers may show none or only some of the Wingdings 2 characters.
This page lists (and attempts to display) all of the 216 characters in the Wingdings 2 font. It also lists (and attempts to display) the equivalent Unicode characters.
The characters that appear in the Wingdings 2 Character column of the following table are generated by the non-standard technique of specifying the Wingdings 2 font, using both <font face="Wingdings 2"> and style="font-family: 'Wingdings 2';". It is possible that your combination of browser and operating system will show Wingdings 2 characters, but browsers that conform to the published standards will demonstrate why Wingdings 2 font should not be used in Web pages.
The characters that appear in the Unicode Character column of the following table are generated from Unicode numeric character references, and so they should appear correctly in any Web browser that supports Unicode and that has suitable fonts available, regardless of the operating system.
Wingdings 2 | Unicode | |||||||
Character | Dec | Hex | PS Name | Character | Dec | Hex | Name | Range |
‘ ’ | 32 | 0x20 | space | ‘ ’ | 32 | U+0020 | Space | Basic Latin |
! | 33 | 0x21 | penballpoint | 🖊 | 128394 | U+1F58A | Lower left ballpoint pen | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
" | 34 | 0x22 | penfountain | 🖋 | 128395 | U+1F58B | Lower left fountain pen | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
# | 35 | 0x23 | brush | 🖌 | 128396 | U+1F58C | Lower left paintbrush | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
$ | 36 | 0x24 | crayon | 🖍 | 128397 | U+1F58D | Lower left crayon | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
% | 37 | 0x25 | scissorsoutline | ✄ | 9988 | U+2704 | White scissors | Dingbats |
& | 38 | 0x26 | scissorschilds | ✀ | 9984 | U+2700 | Black safety scissors | Dingbats |
' | 39 | 0x27 | telephone | 🕾 | 128382 | U+1F57E | White touchtone telephone | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
( | 40 | 0x28 | telhandset | 🕽 | 128381 | U+1F57D | Right hand telephone receiver | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
) | 41 | 0x29 | file1 | 🗅 | 128453 | U+1F5C5 | Empty note | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
* | 42 | 0x2A | file | 🗆 | 128454 | U+1F5C6 | Empty note page | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
+ | 43 | 0x2B | file3 | 🗇 | 128455 | U+1F5C7 | Empty note pad | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
, | 44 | 0x2C | filetext1 | 🗈 | 128456 | U+1F5C8 | Note | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
- | 45 | 0x2D | filetext | 🗉 | 128457 | U+1F5C9 | Note page | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
. | 46 | 0x2E | filetext3 | 🗊 | 128458 | U+1F5CA | Note pad | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
/ | 47 | 0x2F | filetall1 | 🗋 | 128459 | U+1F5CB | Empty document | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
0 | 48 | 0x30 | filetall | 🗌 | 128460 | U+1F5CC | Empty page | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
1 | 49 | 0x31 | filetall3 | 🗍 | 128461 | U+1F5CD | Empty pages | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
2 | 50 | 0x32 | clipboard | 📋 | 128203 | U+1F4CB | Clipboard | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
3 | 51 | 0x33 | trashcan | 🗑 | 128465 | U+1F5D1 | Wastebasket | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
4 | 52 | 0x34 | window | 🗔 | 128468 | U+1F5D4 | Desktop window | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
5 | 53 | 0x35 | monitor | 🖵 | 128437 | U+1F5B5 | Screen | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
6 | 54 | 0x36 | printer | 🖶 | 128438 | U+1F5B6 | Printer icon | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
7 | 55 | 0x37 | fax | 🖷 | 128439 | U+1F5B7 | Fax icon | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
8 | 56 | 0x38 | cd | 🖸 | 128440 | U+1F5B8 | Optical disc icon | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
9 | 57 | 0x39 | tapecartridge | 🖭 | 128429 | U+1F5AD | Tape cartridge | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
: | 58 | 0x3A | mouse1button | 🖯 | 128431 | U+1F5AF | One button mouse | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
; | 59 | 0x3B | mouse3button | 🖱 | 128433 | U+1F5B1 | Three button mouse | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
< | 60 | 0x3C | thumbbackup | 🖒 | 128402 | U+1F592 | Reversed thumbs up sign | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
= | 61 | 0x3D | thumbbackdwn | 🖓 | 128403 | U+1F593 | Reversed thumbs down sign | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
> | 62 | 0x3E | handptlft1 | 🖘 | 128408 | U+1F598 | Sideways white left pointing index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
? | 63 | 0x3F | handptrt1 | 🖙 | 128409 | U+1F599 | Sideways white left pointing index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
@ | 64 | 0x40 | handptlftsld1 | 🖚 | 128410 | U+1F59A | Sideways black left pointing index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
A | 65 | 0x41 | handptrtsld1 | 🖛 | 128411 | U+1F59B | Sideways black right pointing index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
B | 66 | 0x42 | handbckptleft | 👈 | 128072 | U+1F448 | White left pointing backhand index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
C | 67 | 0x43 | handbckptright | 👉 | 128073 | U+1F449 | White right pointing backhand index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
D | 68 | 0x44 | handptlftsld | 🖜 | 128412 | U+1F59C | Black left pointing backhand index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
E | 69 | 0x45 | handptrtsld | 🖝 | 128413 | U+1F59D | Black right pointing backhand index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
F | 70 | 0x46 | handptup1 | 🖞 | 128414 | U+1F59E | Sideways white up pointing index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
G | 71 | 0x47 | handptdwn1 | 🖟 | 128415 | U+1F59F | Sideways white down pointing index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
H | 72 | 0x48 | handptupsld1 | 🖠 | 128416 | U+1F5A0 | Sideways black up pointing index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
I | 73 | 0x49 | handptdwnsld1 | 🖡 | 128417 | U+1F5A1 | Sideways black down pointing index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
J | 74 | 0x4A | handbckptup | 👆 | 128070 | U+1F446 | White up pointing backhand index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
K | 75 | 0x4B | handbckptdwn | 👇 | 128071 | U+1F447 | White down pointing backhand index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
L | 76 | 0x4C | handptupsld | 🖢 | 128418 | U+1F5A2 | Black up pointing backhand index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
M | 77 | 0x4D | handptdwnsld | 🖣 | 128419 | U+1F5A3 | Black down pointing backhand index | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
N | 78 | 0x4E | handspreadback | 🖑 | 128401 | U+1F591 | Reversed raised hand with fingers splayed | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
O | 79 | 0x4F | xmark | 🗴 | 128500 | U+1F5F4 | Ballot script X | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
P | 80 | 0x50 | check | ✓ | 10003 | U+2713 | Check mark | Dingbats |
Q | 81 | 0x51 | boxxmark | 🗵 | 128501 | U+1F5F5 | Ballot box with script X | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
R | 82 | 0x52 | boxcheck | ☑ | 9745 | U+2611 | Ballot box with check | Miscellaneous Symbols |
S | 83 | 0x53 | boxx | ☒ | 9746 | U+2612 | Ballot box with X | Miscellaneous Symbols |
T | 84 | 0x54 | boxxbld | ☒ | 9746 | U+2612 | Ballot box with X [bold style] | Miscellaneous Symbols |
U | 85 | 0x55 | circlex | ⮾ | 11198 | U+2BBE | Circled X | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
V | 86 | 0x56 | circlexbld | ⮿ | 11199 | U+2BBF | Circled bold X | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
W | 87 | 0x57 | prohibit | ⦸ | 10680 | U+29B8 | Circled reverse solidus | Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B |
X | 88 | 0x58 | prohibitbld | ⦸ | 10680 | U+29B8 | Circled reverse solidus [bold style] | Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B |
Y | 89 | 0x59 | ampersanditaldm | 🙱 | 128625 | U+1F671 | Heavy script ligature et ornament | Ornamental Dingbats |
Z | 90 | 0x5A | ampersandbld | 🙴 | 128628 | U+1F674 | Heavy ampersand ornament | Ornamental Dingbats |
[ | 91 | 0x5B | ampersandsans | 🙲 | 128626 | U+1F672 | Ligature open ET ornament | Ornamental Dingbats |
\ | 92 | 0x5C | ampersandsandm | 🙳 | 128627 | U+1F673 | Heavy ligature open ET ornament | Ornamental Dingbats |
] | 93 | 0x5D | interrobang | ‽ | 8253 | U+203D | Interrobang | General Punctuation |
^ | 94 | 0x5E | interrobangdm | 🙹 | 128633 | U+1F679 | Heavy interrobang ornament | Ornamental Dingbats |
_ | 95 | 0x5F | interrobangsans | 🙺 | 128634 | U+1F67A | Sans-serif interrobang ornament | Ornamental Dingbats |
` | 96 | 0x60 | interrobngsandm | 🙻 | 128635 | U+1F67B | Heavy sans-serif interrobang ornament | Ornamental Dingbats |
a | 97 | 0x61 | budleafboldne | 🙦 | 128614 | U+1F666 | Heavy north east pointing bud | Ornamental Dingbats |
b | 98 | 0x62 | budleafboldnw | 🙤 | 128612 | U+1F664 | Heavy north west pointing bud | Ornamental Dingbats |
c | 99 | 0x63 | budleafboldsw | 🙥 | 128613 | U+1F665 | Heavy south west pointing bud | Ornamental Dingbats |
d | 100 | 0x64 | budleafboldse | 🙧 | 128615 | U+1F667 | Heavy south east pointing bud | Ornamental Dingbats |
e | 101 | 0x65 | vineleafne | 🙚 | 128602 | U+1F65A | North east pointing vine leaf | Ornamental Dingbats |
f | 102 | 0x66 | vineleafnw | 🙘 | 128600 | U+1F658 | North west pointing vine leaf | Ornamental Dingbats |
g | 103 | 0x67 | vineleafsw | 🙙 | 128601 | U+1F659 | South west pointing vine leaf | Ornamental Dingbats |
h | 104 | 0x68 | vineleafse | 🙛 | 128603 | U+1F65B | South east pointing vine leaf | Ornamental Dingbats |
i | 105 | 0x69 | zero | ⓪ | 9450 | U+24EA | Circled digit zero | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
j | 106 | 0x6A | one | ① | 9312 | U+2460 | Circled digit one | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
k | 107 | 0x6B | two | ② | 9313 | U+2461 | Circled digit two | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
l | 108 | 0x6C | three | ③ | 9314 | U+2462 | Circled digit three | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
m | 109 | 0x6D | four | ④ | 9315 | U+2463 | Circled digit four | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
n | 110 | 0x6E | five | ⑤ | 9316 | U+2464 | Circled digit five | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
o | 111 | 0x6F | six | ⑥ | 9317 | U+2465 | Circled digit six | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
p | 112 | 0x70 | seven | ⑦ | 9318 | U+2466 | Circled digit seven | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
q | 113 | 0x71 | eight | ⑧ | 9319 | U+2467 | Circled digit eight | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
r | 114 | 0x72 | nine | ⑨ | 9320 | U+2468 | Circled digit nine | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
s | 115 | 0x73 | ten | ⑩ | 9321 | U+2469 | Circled digit ten | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
t | 116 | 0x74 | zeroinv | ⓿ | 9471 | U+24FF | Negative circled digit zero | Enclosed Alphanumerics |
u | 117 | 0x75 | oneinv | ❶ | 10102 | U+2776 | Dingbat negative circled digit one | Dingbats |
v | 118 | 0x76 | twoinv | ❷ | 10103 | U+2777 | Dingbat negative circled digit two | Dingbats |
w | 119 | 0x77 | threeinv | ❸ | 10104 | U+2778 | Dingbat negative circled digit three | Dingbats |
x | 120 | 0x78 | fourinv | ❹ | 10105 | U+2779 | Dingbat negative circled digit four | Dingbats |
y | 121 | 0x79 | fiveinv | ❺ | 10106 | U+277A | Dingbat negative circled digit five | Dingbats |
z | 122 | 0x7A | sixinv | ❻ | 10107 | U+277B | Dingbat negative circled digit six | Dingbats |
{ | 123 | 0x7B | seveninv | ❼ | 10108 | U+277C | Dingbat negative circled digit seven | Dingbats |
| | 124 | 0x7C | eightinv | ❽ | 10109 | U+277D | Dingbat negative circled digit eight | Dingbats |
} | 125 | 0x7D | nineinv | ❾ | 10110 | U+277E | Dingbat negative circled digit nine | Dingbats |
~ | 126 | 0x7E | teninv | ❿ | 10111 | U+277F | Dingbat negative circled number ten | Dingbats |
| 128 | 0x80 | sun | ☉ | 9737 | U+2609 | Sun | Miscellaneous Symbols |
| 129 | 0x81 | moonfull | 🌕 | 127765 | U+1F315 | Full moon symbol | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 130 | 0x82 | moonfirstqrtr | ☽ | 9789 | U+263D | First quarter moon | Miscellaneous Symbols |
| 131 | 0x83 | moonlastqrtr | ☾ | 9790 | U+263E | Last quarter moon | Miscellaneous Symbols |
| 132 | 0x84 | capitulum | ⸿ | 11839 | U+2E3F | Capitulum | Supplemental Punctuation |
133 | 0x85 | cross | ✝ | 10013 | U+271D | Latin cross | Dingbats | |
| 134 | 0x86 | crossbld | 🕇 | 128327 | U+1F547 | Heavy latin cross | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 135 | 0x87 | onethirty | 🕜 | 128348 | U+1F55C | Clock face one-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 136 | 0x88 | twothirty | 🕝 | 128349 | U+1F55D | Clock face two-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 137 | 0x89 | threethirty | 🕞 | 128350 | U+1F55E | Clock face three-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 138 | 0x8A | fourthirty | 🕟 | 128351 | U+1F55F | Clock face four-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 139 | 0x8B | fivethirty | 🕠 | 128352 | U+1F560 | Clock face five-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 140 | 0x8C | sixthirty | 🕡 | 128353 | U+1F561 | Clock face six-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 141 | 0x8D | seventhirty | 🕢 | 128354 | U+1F562 | Clock face seven-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 142 | 0x8E | eightthirty | 🕣 | 128355 | U+1F563 | Clock face eight-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 143 | 0x8F | ninethirty | 🕤 | 128356 | U+1F564 | Clock face nine-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 144 | 0x90 | tenthirty | 🕥 | 128357 | U+1F565 | Clock face ten-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 145 | 0x91 | eleventhirty | 🕦 | 128358 | U+1F566 | Clock face eleven-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 146 | 0x92 | twelvethirty | 🕧 | 128359 | U+1F567 | Clock face twelve-thirty | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
| 147 | 0x93 | quiltsquare | 🙨 | 128616 | U+1F668 | Hollow quilt square ornament | Ornamental Dingbats |
| 148 | 0x94 | quiltsquareinv | 🙩 | 128617 | U+1F669 | Hollow quilt square ornament in black square | Ornamental Dingbats |
| 149 | 0x95 | circle1 | • | 8226 | U+2022 | Bullet | General Punctuation |
| 150 | 0x96 | circle3 | ● | 9679 | U+25CF | Black circle | Geometric Shapes |
| 151 | 0x97 | circle5 | ⚫ | 9899 | U+26AB | Medium black circle | Miscellaneous Symbols |
| 152 | 0x98 | circle7 | ⬤ | 11044 | U+2B24 | Black large circle | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
| 153 | 0x99 | ring1 | 🞅 | 128901 | U+1F785 | Medium bold white circle | Geometric Shapes Extended |
| 154 | 0x9A | ring3 | 🞆 | 128902 | U+1F786 | Bold white circle | Geometric Shapes Extended |
| 155 | 0x9B | ring5 | 🞇 | 128903 | U+1F787 | Heavy white circle | Geometric Shapes Extended |
| 156 | 0x9C | ring7 | 🞈 | 128904 | U+1F788 | Very heavy white circle | Geometric Shapes Extended |
| 157 | 0x9D | ringbutton1 | 🞊 | 128906 | U+1F78A | White circle containing black small circle | Geometric Shapes Extended |
| 158 | 0x9E | ringbutton3 | ⦿ | 10687 | U+29BF | Circled bullet | Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B |
| 159 | 0x9F | square1 | ◾ | 9726 | U+25FE | Black medium small square | Geometric Shapes |
160 | 0xA0 | square3 | ■ | 9632 | U+25A0 | Black square | Geometric Shapes | |
¡ | 161 | 0xA1 | square5 | ◼ | 9724 | U+25FC | Black medium square | Geometric Shapes |
¢ | 162 | 0xA2 | square7 | ⬛ | 11035 | U+2B1B | Black large square | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
£ | 163 | 0xA3 | box1 | ⬜ | 11036 | U+2B1C | White large square | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
¤ | 164 | 0xA4 | box5 | 🞑 | 128913 | U+1F791 | Heavy white square | Geometric Shapes Extended |
¥ | 165 | 0xA5 | box6 | 🞒 | 128914 | U+1F792 | Very heavy white square | Geometric Shapes Extended |
¦ | 166 | 0xA6 | box7 | 🞓 | 128915 | U+1F793 | Extremely heavy white square | Geometric Shapes Extended |
§ | 167 | 0xA7 | boxbutton1 | 🞔 | 128916 | U+1F794 | White square containing black very small square | Geometric Shapes Extended |
¨ | 168 | 0xA8 | boxbutton2 | ▣ | 9635 | U+25A3 | White square containing black small square | Geometric Shapes |
© | 169 | 0xA9 | boxbutton3 | 🞕 | 128917 | U+1F795 | White square containing black medium square | Geometric Shapes Extended |
ª | 170 | 0xAA | boxtarget | 🞖 | 128918 | U+1F796 | Square target | Geometric Shapes Extended |
« | 171 | 0xAB | rhombus1 | 🞗 | 128919 | U+1F797 | Black tiny diamond | Geometric Shapes Extended |
¬ | 172 | 0xAC | rhombus2 | ⬩ | 11049 | U+2B29 | Black small diamond | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
| 173 | 0xAD | rhombus3 | ⬥ | 11045 | U+2B25 | Black medium diamond | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
® | 174 | 0xAE | rhombus5 | ◆ | 9670 | U+25C6 | Black diamond | Geometric Shapes |
¯ | 175 | 0xAF | rhombopen | ◇ | 9671 | U+25C7 | White diamond | Geometric Shapes |
° | 176 | 0xB0 | rhombbutton1 | 🞚 | 128922 | U+1F79A | White diamond containing black very small diamond | Geometric Shapes Extended |
± | 177 | 0xB1 | rhombbutton2 | ◈ | 9672 | U+25C8 | White diamond containing black small diamond | Geometric Shapes |
² | 178 | 0xB2 | rhombbutton3 | 🞛 | 128923 | U+1F79B | White diamond containing black medium diamond | Geometric Shapes Extended |
³ | 179 | 0xB3 | rhombtarget | 🞜 | 128924 | U+1F79C | Diamond target | Geometric Shapes Extended |
´ | 180 | 0xB4 | lozenge1 | 🞝 | 128925 | U+1F79D | Black tiny lozenge | Geometric Shapes Extended |
µ | 181 | 0xB5 | lozenge2 | ⬪ | 11050 | U+2B2A | Black small lozenge | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
¶ | 182 | 0xB6 | lozenge3 | ⬧ | 11047 | U+2B27 | Black medium lozenge | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
· | 183 | 0xB7 | lozenge5 | ⧫ | 10731 | U+29EB | Black lozenge | Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B |
¸ | 184 | 0xB8 | lozengeopen | ◊ | 9674 | U+25CA | Lozenge | Geometric Shapes |
¹ | 185 | 0xB9 | lozengebutton | 🞠 | 128928 | U+1F7A0 | White lozenge containing black small lozenge | Geometric Shapes Extended |
º | 186 | 0xBA | semicircleleft | ◖ | 9686 | U+25D6 | Left half black circle | Geometric Shapes |
» | 187 | 0xBB | semicirclert | ◗ | 9687 | U+25D7 | Right half black circle | Geometric Shapes |
¼ | 188 | 0xBC | semicircleup | ⯊ | 11210 | U+2BCA | Top half black circle | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
½ | 189 | 0xBD | semicircledwn | ⯋ | 11211 | U+2BCB | Bottom half black circle | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
¾ | 190 | 0xBE | squarecent | ◼ | 9724 | U+25FC | Black medium square | Geometric Shapes |
¿ | 191 | 0xBF | rhombuscent | ⬥ | 11045 | U+2B25 | Black medium diamond | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
À | 192 | 0xC0 | pentagon1cent | ⬟ | 11039 | U+2B1F | Black pentagon | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Á | 193 | 0xC1 | pentagon2cent | ⯂ | 11202 | U+2BC2 | Turned black pentagon | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
 | 194 | 0xC2 | hexagon1cent | ⬣ | 11043 | U+2B23 | Horizontal black hexagon | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
à | 195 | 0xC3 | hexagon2cent | ⬢ | 11042 | U+2B22 | Black hexagon | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Ä | 196 | 0xC4 | octagon1 | ⯃ | 11203 | U+2BC3 | Horizontal black octagon | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Å | 197 | 0xC5 | octagon2 | ⯄ | 11204 | U+2BC4 | Black octagon | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
Æ | 198 | 0xC6 | cross1 | 🞡 | 128929 | U+1F7A1 | Thin Greek cross | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ç | 199 | 0xC7 | cross2 | 🞢 | 128930 | U+1F7A2 | Light Greek cross | Geometric Shapes Extended |
È | 200 | 0xC8 | cross3 | 🞣 | 128931 | U+1F7A3 | Medium Greek cross | Geometric Shapes Extended |
É | 201 | 0xC9 | cross4 | 🞤 | 128932 | U+1F7A4 | Bold Greek cross | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ê | 202 | 0xCA | cross5 | 🞥 | 128933 | U+1F7A5 | Very bold Greek cross | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ë | 203 | 0xCB | cross6 | 🞦 | 128934 | U+1F7A6 | Very heavy Greek cross | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ì | 204 | 0xCC | cross7 | 🞧 | 128935 | U+1F7A7 | Extremely heavy Greek cross | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Í | 205 | 0xCD | x1 | 🞨 | 128936 | U+1F7A8 | Thin saltire | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Î | 206 | 0xCE | x2 | 🞩 | 128937 | U+1F7A9 | Light saltire | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ï | 207 | 0xCF | x3 | 🞪 | 128938 | U+1F7AA | Medium saltire | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ð | 208 | 0xD0 | x4 | 🞫 | 128939 | U+1F7AB | Bold saltire | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ñ | 209 | 0xD1 | x5 | 🞬 | 128940 | U+1F7AC | Heavy saltire | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ò | 210 | 0xD2 | x6 | 🞭 | 128941 | U+1F7AD | Very heavy saltire | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ó | 211 | 0xD3 | x7 | 🞮 | 128942 | U+1F7AE | Extremely heavy saltire | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ô | 212 | 0xD4 | pentasterisk1 | 🞯 | 128943 | U+1F7AF | Light five spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Õ | 213 | 0xD5 | pentasterisk2 | 🞰 | 128944 | U+1F7B0 | Medium five spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ö | 214 | 0xD6 | pentasterisk3 | 🞱 | 128945 | U+1F7B1 | Bold five spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
× | 215 | 0xD7 | pentasterisk4 | 🞲 | 128946 | U+1F7B2 | Heavy five spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ø | 216 | 0xD8 | pentasterisk5 | 🞳 | 128947 | U+1F7B3 | Very heavy five spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ù | 217 | 0xD9 | pentasterisk6 | 🞴 | 128948 | U+1F7B4 | Extremely heavy five spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ú | 218 | 0xDA | hexasterisk1 | 🞵 | 128949 | U+1F7B5 | Light six spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Û | 219 | 0xDB | hexasterisk2 | 🞶 | 128950 | U+1F7B6 | Medium six spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ü | 220 | 0xDC | hexasterisk3 | 🞷 | 128951 | U+1F7B7 | Bold six spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Ý | 221 | 0xDD | hexasterisk4 | 🞸 | 128952 | U+1F7B8 | Heavy six spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
Þ | 222 | 0xDE | hexasterisk5 | 🞹 | 128953 | U+1F7B9 | Very heavy six spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
ß | 223 | 0xDF | hexasterisk6 | 🞺 | 128954 | U+1F7BA | Extremely heavy six spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
à | 224 | 0xE0 | octasterisk1 | 🞻 | 128955 | U+1F7BB | Light eight spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
á | 225 | 0xE1 | octasterisk2 | 🞼 | 128956 | U+1F7BC | Medium eight spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
â | 226 | 0xE2 | octasterisk3 | 🞽 | 128957 | U+1F7BD | Bold eight spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
ã | 227 | 0xE3 | octasterisk4 | 🞾 | 128958 | U+1F7BE | Heavy eight spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
ä | 228 | 0xE4 | octasterisk5 | 🞿 | 128959 | U+1F7BF | Very heavy eight spoked asterisk | Geometric Shapes Extended |
å | 229 | 0xE5 | tristar1 | 🟀 | 128960 | U+1F7C0 | Light three pointed black star | Geometric Shapes Extended |
æ | 230 | 0xE6 | tristar3 | 🟂 | 128962 | U+1F7C2 | Three pointed black star | Geometric Shapes Extended |
ç | 231 | 0xE7 | crosstar1 | 🟄 | 128964 | U+1F7C4 | Light four pointed black star | Geometric Shapes Extended |
è | 232 | 0xE8 | crosstar3 | ✦ | 10022 | U+2726 | Black four pointed star | Dingbats |
é | 233 | 0xE9 | pentastar1 | 🟉 | 128969 | U+1F7C9 | Light five pointed black star | Dingbats |
ê | 234 | 0xEA | pentastar3 | ★ | 9733 | U+2605 | Black star | Miscellaneous Symbols |
ë | 235 | 0xEB | hexstar1 | ✶ | 10038 | U+2736 | Six pointed black star | Dingbats |
ì | 236 | 0xEC | hexstar3 | 🟋 | 128971 | U+1F7CB | Medium six pointed black star | Geometric Shapes Extended |
í | 237 | 0xED | octastar1 | ✷ | 10039 | U+2737 | Eight pointed rectilinear black star | Dingbats |
î | 238 | 0xEE | octastar3 | 🟏 | 128975 | U+1F7CF | Heavy eight pointed black star | Geometric Shapes Extended |
ï | 239 | 0xEF | dodecastar1 | 🟒 | 128978 | U+1F7D2 | Light twelve pointed black star | Geometric Shapes Extended |
ð | 240 | 0xF0 | dodecastar2 | ✹ | 10041 | U+2739 | Twelve pointed black star | Dingbats |
ñ | 241 | 0xF1 | tristar4 | 🟃 | 128963 | U+1F7C3 | Medium three pointed pinwheel star | Geometric Shapes Extended |
ò | 242 | 0xF2 | crosstar4 | 🟇 | 128967 | U+1F7C7 | Medium four pointed pinwheel star | Geometric Shapes Extended |
ó | 243 | 0xF3 | pentastar4 | ✯ | 10031 | U+272F | Pinwheel star | Dingbats |
ô | 244 | 0xF4 | hexstar4 | 🟍 | 128973 | U+1F7CD | Six pointed pinwheel star | Geometric Shapes Extended |
õ | 245 | 0xF5 | dodecastar4 | 🟔 | 128980 | U+1F7D4 | Heavy twelve pointed pinwheel star | Geometric Shapes Extended |
ö | 246 | 0xF6 | cusp | ⯌ | 11212 | U+2BCC | Light four pointed black cusp | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
÷ | 247 | 0xF7 | cusp1 | ⯍ | 11213 | U+2BCD | Rotated light four pointed black cusp | Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows |
ø | 248 | 0xF8 | xdot | ※ | 8251 | U+203B | Reference mark | General Punctuation |
ù | 249 | 0xF9 | trihexasterisk | ⁂ | 8258 | U+2042 | Asterism | General Punctuation |
Copyright © 2009–2017 Alan Wood
Created 11th June 2009 Last modified 6th May 2017
Send comments or questions to Alan Wood
Alan Wood’s Web site |