Olympus microscopes and photomicrographic equipment

Olympus BH-2 microscope with a Canon EOS digital SLR

Current Olympus microscopes such as the BX are too expensive for most amateurs, but used older models such as the BH-2, BH and E/F are not difficult to find at reasonable prices, can be fitted with excellent lenses, and can easily be used for photomicrography with film and digital SLR cameras.

This website includes free downloads of PDF versions of brochures, catalogues, instruction manuals and repair manuals for these discontinued microscopes, and detailed information about the necessary camera adapters, eyepiece adapters and photo eyepieces.


Camera adapters

Eyepiece adapters

Photographic eyepieces


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Page created 6th September 2011   —   Page last updated 28th February 2017
Site last updated 5th July 2024
Copyright © 2011–2024 Alan Wood

Olympus OM system close-up and macro equipment

Alan Wood’s Web site