Alan Wood’s microscopical diary

I started these blogs in 2014 when I was the webmaster for the Quekett Microscopical Club. I tried to get members to provide some new content for the Club’s website each month, but gave up and decided that the only way to get new content was to write it myself.

My 9-year term as Quekett webmaster ended at the AGM on 8th March 2022, so my exploits in microscopy, photomicrography and macro photography since then are only here on my own website.

I have used them to experiment with HTML5 and scaleable images.

I maintain a collection of free PDFs of brochures, catalogues, instruction manuals and repair manuals for discontinued Olympus microscopes (Olympus microscopes and photomicrographic equipment). At the same location, there are details of the camera adapters, eyepiece adapters and photo eyepieces for connecting digital cameras to these microscopes.

Alan Wood’s Web site